Thursday, July 6, 2006

Anglo-American Relations

This is the second year in a row that I've been in England for the 4th of July. I was here last year, visiting John...I can't remember exactly what we did on the 4th, but there were no hot dogs or fireworks. This year, John was working in London (he's there through next Monday), so I went to Sandy's house with Julia and her kids and we had a barbecue and set off fireworks and generally had a good time. If we have a house this time next year, we will definitely have a BBQ and lots of people over for baseball. (And yes, Mom & Dad, we will try to put an American flag on the garage door with crepe paper.)

I had lunch with Freda and Travis today- they're back from their caravaning in the south of France. It actually sounded like a pretty nice place to be, barring the caravan. John and I may try to go visit them the next time they're there. I miss France. Hooray for Les Bleus, btw. Sunday night, John and I will be sitting somewhere in London, cheering France on.

Still nothing on the job front, but I have a meeting in Cambridge tomorrow and there are some things in the pipe. The London job turned out to be a New York old colleague had gotten her wires seriously crossed. Oh well...the commute would have killed me anyway.

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