Thursday, April 6, 2006

[working in] Retail [makes me need] Therapy

Have now had 4 days working in the Ickworth's definitely not something I can see myself doing full-time. It's alternately deadly boring and completely chaotic, and there doesn't seem to be a way to even it out. Oh well. At least I've tried it (and I can help out when they need it).

Had several groups of kids today (it's school vacation). About half of them were sweet, charming, well-behaved kids who looked around and picked out their candy or toys or whatever. The other half were TERRORS. Their parents dumped them in the shop while they were eating lunch in the restaurant, and they were running around, pulling things off the shelves, and generally being bratty and horrible. Yuck.

Went out with the Ickworth girls last night in Bury after choir practice- we were having a rip-roaring time in Cafe Rouge and didn't get home until midnight. Eek! John had already conked out by the time I got home...I'm definitely feeling a little sleepy today.

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